Ethan Wang


I am a computer science graduate, and like to build software and analyse data.


What does "anioncat" mean?

It could mean:

    Take your pick.

    That's what it means.

What I know

  • Python
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • Go
  • C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • ReactJS
  • Unity
  • Flask
  • Flutter
  • Git
  • JIRA
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Scikit-learn
  • AWS

What I have done

Habit/Mood Tracker
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Go
  • WIP

Track your daily mood and habits.

Includes a calendar where a user can rate their mood day-by-day. At the end of a year a year overview can be used to see how a user felt throughout the year. A sample backend for backing up data is included for self-hosting.

A current work in progress.

  • Typescript
  • React

Developed as part of the Semester 2 2023 team. See the repository for more information.

Natural Language based Job Board
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Jinja

A toy job board created using natural language and machine learning techniques.

Pre-populated with a set of job ads with job classification labels which are used to train the classification model. Jobs added by a user can use that model to attempt to classify the job ad based on the title and description. Includes a mode to allow the model to re-train itself based on default and user based data which can eventually classify user defined categories.

ND Telemedicine
  • Dart
  • Flutter

A full-stack mobile app for faux telemedicine clinic.

Responsible for working on the frontend and implementing Redux in Flutter. Integrated the app with a Restful API created by the backend team members.

CRC Calculator
  • Python
  • CLI

A tool for simulating Cycle Redundancy Checks.

This tool can create a CRC codeword and validate a bitstring of data for errors. Useful as a learning tool for seeing how a CRC check is performed as each calculation step will be printed out for you.

  • C#
  • MonoGame

An implementation of Snake from scratch.

This was created in an experiment of learning to implement linked lists, bounding boxes and screen drawing in a relatively barebones framework.

anioncat 2024.